Monday, April 25, 2011

Farmer Us

Well its been about 5 weeks since we picked up our chicks. You can see the 6 chicks. 3 yellow & 3 Brown, we don't know what they are we just know they will lay eggs.
Our Coop will be coming 4/26. it is a Tractor style and will be able to move around the yard so the Chicks can eat fresh worms, crubs and greens. This make for better eggs. Chicken poop by the way is very good for the lawn and garden.

The Chickens have come a long way in 5 weeks.
Between rainy days we gave the chicks some outdoor time.
they enjoyed themselves very much, as did Maisie, Rosie and Coco.
We will be going to "Tractor Supply" to get the Next level of chicken feed and larger water bottles for the chicks. Plus now they have to have gravel or grit to help digest the food they eat.
The Chicks don't make much noise just little peeps and are kinda friendly, no scratching or pecking.
The pecking order is starting to come around we see who is Alpha Chick. The Brown Chicks are going to be in the bottom 3 unless they can get together and over through the Yellow Hens.
If this rain ever ends we will have the Chicks out in the yard with their new home.
More about that when it comes time.